Just another day in the life

It would be great if I could pull up to my accounts tomorrow and none of the grass needed mowing.  It was all fine and I could go home.  But that won’t happen.  I have to keep doing the same thing over and over.  Hence I keep learning so I don’t have to keep doing the same thing over and over.  🙂

Things were good today.  My head is beginning to clear a bit.  The fog of the recent unpleasantness is subsiding ever so slowly.  It appears relationships are mending, impressively enough.  I hope they end up being stronger than they were before.  God willing.

I’m feeling a lot more healthy as well.  But boy am I completely knackered by the end of everyday.  That alarm comes too quickly in the morning.

My studying for my job improvement is going right along.  Tomorrow, in between cookie making and grocery shopping, I hope to wipe out a fair chunk of restudying.  Time to refresh that knowledge I forced into my head a few months ago.  Like the different shapes of leaves and their arrangement on plants.  Like the cool, interesting stuff.

I’m off….song of the evening:  Spooky by Classics IV.   An oldie but a goodie.

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