Monthly Archives: August 2008

Travel details

My winter travel schedule is really coming into fruition now after this weekend. I watched this OPB show Historic Pubs of Dublin and pretty much made me want to jump through the TV and grab the host’s Guinness and guzzle it down. So my motivation to get to Ireland this winter was renewed. I’m thinking it’ll be a similar trip to the lovely UK trip I took 2 years ago. We’ll be spending the first week or so in Dublin and then heading out into the countryside for the rest of the time. I hope Ms. Anderson will be joining me as well. Tenatively the trip shall begin shortly after Christmas and last into the first couple weeks of January. Sounds alright, eh?

But before I get ahead of myself on that trip, we have an American cross country tour to complete. I’m thinking a flight across the country and a nice tour up and down the East coast, then to Chicagra for Thanksgiving and then back to Bend before going to IRE. We’ll see. Those details have yet to be worked out as well. But I’m feeling good about traveling. My legs are itching for some walking. For a new style of walking that I haven’t yet done. Less escaping from the US and more exploring to enjoy life. So that’s it. You’ll be hearing about this crap for the next few months. Just let me know when you get tired of it.
I’m out!

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Just seeing if this works……

I wanted to see if you can post videos. Cause knowing Yahoo!, I probably can’t. But you guys might be interested in a Southern Style Chicken Sandwich from Mc Donald’s regardless of seeing my head attached to Olympic athlete’s bodies.

And apparently, I can’t embed videos into my posts….. or else you’d be looking at that instead of reading this crap. Screw you Yahoo.

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Happy Olympics all! Tera, Mom and I are all sitting here watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony and basically it’s way awesome. I’m assuming you all either watched it or have TiVO’d it. Because you wouldn’t want to miss this mess. We’re watching China’s Maritime history deal right now. It’s just so incredible. I must get back to watching it. So have a good weekend, y’all!

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So the pictures are up, but only a few of them have captions because my computer is not cooperating with me right now and is taking FOREVER to get through them. So enjoy the 7 that have something to say. Use your imagination for the rest. Maybe tomorrow or this weekend I’ll finish them. UPDATE!!!! They all have captions. It all was a lie above.

check them out here

good night

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Super Mario Galaxy

You know how hard it is to run in 3-d with the camera angle all jacked up? Pretty hard. That’s why I’m mad at Super Mario Galaxy right now. I’m over it and I’m over dying. I’ve been really on edge the last two days. getting mega irritated over little stuff, but not so much over big stuff. Weird.

Piccadilly had her follow up vet appointment today, which really was fun. I love stuffing Piccadilly in a box and listening to her meow for 20 minutes straight. And she loves it too. Who wouldn’t like being shoved inside a box?

August here is rolling right along. Mary is coming for a visit this weekend. Don’t konw what we’ll be doing, but I have a few ideas in mind. Next weekend is Bend Brew Fest. Weekend after that Beck is coming into town and the weekend after that (Labor Day Weekend) Kelly will be coming for her first visit to central Oregon. How magical for all.

I don’t know about you, but it was really hot here today in Bend. I’m exhausted and ready for some sleepy time. Tera and I just watched this episode of NOVA and made us mega depressed and now with a heightened awareness of how ridiculous this whole pollution situation is. We all pretty much need to stop consuming right this instant and stop killing ourselves. That’s the only way we will save this earth and ourselves. And on that note, I’m off to bed. Cheers.

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Super Mario Galaxy

You know how hard it is to run in 3-d with the camera angle all jacked up? Pretty hard. That’s why I’m mad at Super Mario Galaxy right now. I’m over it and I’m over dying. I’ve been really on edge the last two days. getting mega irritated over little stuff, but not so much over big stuff. Weird.

Piccadilly had her follow up vet appointment today, which really was fun. I love stuffing Piccadilly in a box and listening to her meow for 20 minutes straight. And she loves it too. Who wouldn’t like being shoved inside a box?

August here is rolling right along. Mary is coming for a visit this weekend. Don’t konw what we’ll be doing, but I have a few ideas in mind. Next weekend is Bend Brew Fest. Weekend after that Beck is coming into town and the weekend after that (Labor Day Weekend) Kelly will be coming for her first visit to central Oregon. How magical for all.

I don’t know about you, but it was really hot here today in Bend. I’m exhausted and ready for some sleepy time. Tera and I just watched this episode of NOVA and made us mega depressed and now with a heightened awareness of how ridiculous this whole pollution situation is. We all pretty much need to stop consuming right this instant and stop killing ourselves. That’s the only way we will save this earth and ourselves. And on that note, I’m off to bed. Cheers.

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It’s official

Yeah. I can confirm it as of today. Pretty early on in the game too for me. I’ve hit the August Wall. The Wall which makes you say “yeah I don’t really feel like working any more today.” But you press on regardless. A little lack luster. But by this point in the season, 4 solid months in, you know what needs to be done and you’re just in cruise. I imagine it’s the same for any sort of seasonal job (i.e. teaching or landscaping) that you get to a point where motivation is lowering and you’re just trying to make it to the end. I know September is the hardest month and October is just weird and kind of cold. November…..well I don’t even know what happens in November. Then it’s all over. So I just wanted to let you all know that I’ve hit the wall and it’s all down hill from here for my work season. Wake me up in November.

Oh. Pictures. Sorry, but I posted some on facebook and it took over an hour to do so, so now I’m pretty much tired of posting any of them. I hope tomorrow but more likely Thursday they will go up on here. Cheers y’all!

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Jumping and awkwardness

We’ve arrived safely back to Bend after a fun filled weekend in the Redwoods. Yey for camping. I feel like I spent the whole weekend driving. Oh wait, I basically did. But it was all worth it as everyone had a splendid time in the Redwoods. We were able to hug the formerly tallest tree in the world (I’m not sure where the tallest one is now, but I think it’s actually still the tallest), play along the ocean, make smores, take a billion jumping pictures and get shrunk in the oregon vortex. Excellent fun. Pictures to follow tomorrow I imagine. Until then, please enjoy this shot of the trail I took today. Pretty nice. The redwoods are officially my favorite spot to take photographs.

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